Friday, 8 November 2013

Weekend Plans

A few things to get sorted this weekend and very little time to do them.

I need to setup my next spawning pair, I need to move my current spawn into a bigger tank, I need to clean and prep a tank for new arrivals while also removing a snail infestation, move 5 girls into the main sorority now they're big enough, catch a rogue Convict Cichlid fry/almost juvenile who was missed a couple of weeks back (they are super quick), do a bunch of water changes, and locate a local source of black worms so I can start my own culture...which will probably require me to buy another tank/vessel to keep them in.

Saturday I play cricket and Sunday I'm normally too sore to move, but these things have to get done.

My current F1 CTPK spawn are doing well, if not spectacular. They are a little behind on the growth charts, but seem to be forming well. The biggest is just beginning to sprout ventrals which is cool and a few are showing their irid layer - particularly in the fins. They are marble so the full colours will not be out for some time yet.

My biggest boy (that's not a ventral you can see underneath)
Good chance he'll be like dad I think...

The boss and the 2IC

Size differences...
The guy on the right is a little over 1 cm
The guy on the left is just on 1 cm
I have a couple smaller and the two above who are bigger
They are supposed to be close to 2cm if not a touch over...

Still, to have what I believe to be eight fry remaining, when I was thinking I'd be lucky to have five...or lucky to have any at one a good thing. If they grow slow, then so be it. I'm not here to power grow fry so I can rush to the next step...slow and steady wins the...oh, who am I trying to kid - hurry up and grow already!

The biggest are clearly showing some webbing reduction. Not a lot at this point, but some, so it seems I'll have something to work with moving into F2 and beyond :)

A very blurry and blown up pic of one caudal where you can not-so-clearly see the combtail effect of the webbing reduction this little fry has inherited from his mum...and the potential for wide (possibly HM) caudal spread he's inherited mainly from dad (but mum wasn't to shabby either).

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