A very sad day today - the first male we'd ever bought not from a local fish shop died today of dropsy.
He was the first male CT in the Hunt For Green. He had one spawn but ate most of the fry when we tried to raise them with their dad. When we finally removed him, the remaining fry all gorged themselves on a feed of instant BBS to the point where every single one of them exploded from over eating.
We learned a lot from William and his spawn, but the toll of being with his fry for six weeks took it's toll and he struggled with fin rot from that moment on, which was probably the start of his slide into a very low immune system as we couldn't seem to get it nipped in the bud, regardless of water changes and medications.
He shall be missed.
Now I need to be on the lookout for one or two new male CT's...although, I still have five female CT's being paired up with male HMPK's for the CTPK Project, and my current F1 CTPK spawn is approaching seven weeks old and are looking good (touch wood).
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