Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Prep work hasn't gone exactly to plan. Unfortunately, I've not got the females I thought I'd be getting, at least not yet. Seems I'll have to try and buy them along with everyone else, except, the car decided to break down and required my spare cash to rescue it. Good news is the car is functioning correctly again, bad news is I have no money left for fish this pay...

So I'm still trying to work the fish I have. I've split the sorority for now due to my minimum female numbers. Kate remains in the sorority tank while Pippa and Di have found alternate accommodation. The problem I have now is I cant tell them apart. Being sisters, they are almost identical. I can only distinguish Kate because of her masking.

Having done my homework on conditioning, I have placed Ghost (my white marble dragon halfmoon plakat (HMPK)) in a small container. This container doesn't have heating or a filter, but as I heat the room, and it's only for five days, he'll be fine:

As you can see, the water is stained with tannins from IAL, and it also has a small amount of aquarium salt (which I strongly believe is nothing more than Rock Salt).

Along side him is (I think), Diana (aka Gidget).

They get 15 minutes or so to see each other, three times a day. The rest of the time, I place a piece of corflute between them. This is called carding. Both are fed frozen blood worms and/or adult brine shrimp, twice a day.

On Friday evening, I'll move the female into the spawn tank and let her swim around on her own till Saturday morning. I'll then place her in the isolation tube (a 2L soft drink bottle with the top and bottom cut off), and add Ghost.

He had already started a nest in the little container above after the first uncarding session between the two. As soon as he starts to build another one in the spawn tank (hopefully), I'll release the female and see how we go...fingers crossed.

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