- Gold HMPK pair
The egg-eater Male
- F1 of the CTPK line Green II
He's marbled a little since this photo with a lot more black now showing in his fins
She's not changes at all
I think I might have to come up with some names for my lines....
Anyway, as reported on my last post, the gold male ate his eggs. The green pair just didn't seem interested. Truth be told, I'm a little more blasé about the actual spawning process now-a-days. I condition, I introduce, and then I let them be once I think they've shown enough interest in each other.
So, every time I looked in on the green pair, she was on one side of the tank, he was on the other. Occasionally he'd go over and try to encourage her back to his pitiful nest. At no time did I see her acting submissive or hiding, and at no time did I see him trying to warn her away from the nest.
I checked the nest for three days, and saw nothing to indicate success, and the behaviour of the pair hadn't changed, so I called it a failure, fished the girl out, and went about my business a little disheartened. It was here I decided a I needed a break and implemented an off-season.
Today I thought it was past time I did a little tank maintenance, so I started doing some cleaning and water changes. Last on my list was the failed spawn tank, which the male was still in.
I began siphoning, and something moved, so I moved the siphon over to get it, and it moved again. I thought it was the biggest infusoria I'd ever seen, or maybe I's begun cultivating larger single cell organisms - I had been pretty slack in cleaning this tank up. There was hubris all over the bottom, I'd been feeding the male pellets each night, and I'd not done a clean since I'd removed the female.
I got up closer to the tank with my magnifying specs on...and there was fry in there....quite a few...
The tank has now been very carefully siphoned, new water, and BBS added.
These guys are very active, but a little on the small side, but then I have no idea when they were actually hatched. If they are a week old, then they're not so small, if closing in on two weeks, then maybe a touch behind where they should be. Plenty of BBS in there now though so they should catch up fairly quick.
I now have a spawn of Black Orchid F2's in the grow out, and now this Green F2 in the spawn tank...the early morning feeds continue then for the foreseeable future :(
Isn't Mother Nature grand...
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