Friday, 7 February 2014

Never Straight Forward

Before going on about my F2 trials and tribulations, just a note to celebrate the 'apparent' stabilisation of my 'Chosen Ones' line.

The recently passed Ghost was finally spawned with Jury (as covered in Ghost's obit), and resulted in 30-40 fry, most of which were, and remain, very white to the eye. Almost every day, I've fished out one or two dead fry :(

At the rate I was going, I would be left with very little to chose from by the time they got to four weeks, which is when I'm going to be looking to move them into bigger accommodation. For the last four days - there has been no dead fry! Yay! Double Yay even!!

The Chosen One line will be the key to giving me a grass green CTPK line, and for removing red wash from the other lines. They also have a date with the creation of a gold CTPK line a little down the track, but don't tell anyone... :)

As for my green CTPK line, to be continued with the sibling cross currently attempting to be go at the moment :(

They're close, but they're having trouble getting in sync. The male builds a modest nest, and the female isn't interested. The male chases female until she gets interested, stripes up, and looks like she fills with eggs. She swims over, he hammers her. He's now decided he's not ready yet...

After a couple of days of this, I removed her to give her a chance to rest and recuperate. Other than a couple of nips out of her anal fin, she's still in good nick. They rested for two days, and then reintroduced. The high protein diet was given a days grace before being recommenced. She's gone back into her tube after they spent the day in view, but separated. Yesterday morning, he was busy rebuilding his nest. They were so close to syncing up their desires last night, I left a dim light on for them and went to bed. This morning, they're back a bit of chasing, a bit of coaxing, etc, etc, but no result...but...he no longer has a nest, even though he's still trying to lure her back to the selected spot. This could be good news as I've only ever had one successful spawn when a nest was involved :)

All of my spawns have hatched between Thursday and Sunday. Maybe they just wasn't interested in the early part of the week...might have to check out my Feng Shui....

The wait goes on...

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