I've come to the conclusion that my selected F1 pair are not yet ready. She's not striping up as I would like, although she fattened up quite well. He made a nice modest nest and danced well for her, but then chased her away when she submissively approached.
They got a couple of shots at it, but couldn't get in sync, so they've been pulled and put into separate areas. We'll try again in a few weeks.
So what's happening in the fish room in the meantime? I'm glad you asked ;)
I've finally broken down the old sorority tank which has been empty for the past couple of weeks. I moved the couple of surviving Anubias into the new male barracks and the last remaining clump of grass into the empty community tank in the lounge. Now the fake jelly fish has something to keep him company - pitiful, I know but we'll hopefully be able to add more soon...maybe even real fish :)
The old sorority will be re-purposed as the next growout tank. Currently the black line is in one, the green line is in another, and now the whites will have a place to stretch out...once I get some more plants...need to pay some bills first :(
Other than the normal feedings of the fry and the adults, nothing is happening in there, but that doesn't mean I'm doing nothing.
More research! I'm trying to spread what little knowledge I've gained so far to more members of the Australian Betta community, while continuing to learn myself. Topics on my Google list this week have been:
Red Genetics
Opaque Genetics
Salt and Freshwater Aquariums
Always plenty to read up on!
Blog posts are pretty boring without a picture, so:
Black Orchid CT x Black Marble HM (10 weeks)
Making a pig of himself on blood worm
White Marble HM x Yellow CT (5 weeks)
The majority of these guys appear white to the naked eye
From about week 6 on, my fry seem to fall behind the accepted growth rates around the place. This is due, in part, to them being plakats, and in part, due to me being in Adelaide (so a non-tropical locale), and in part due to their diet.
The last part I'm hoping to change this week with the introduction of grated frozen blood worms. This hasn't been possible to this point due to me not having purchased a Fishroom only grater.
Guess what I'm buying this payday :)