Sunday, 22 December 2013

More Waiting

And so the festive season is now truly upon us - a very merry Xmas and a safe and happy New Year to you all.

I'm now on holidays! Yay! Time to catch up on all those little tasks I've been putting off in the Fishroom.

I have a new 9 bay barracks coming for Xmas. This will be for my breeding females. My current 9 bay barracks will revert to a men only domain. My current sorority will become the second growout tank, and I'm fighting with the tank ear-marked as the third growout tank - it wont settle the water parameters where I'd be happy with it...pH way too high, and the Nitrates are way too high. I've tried numerous water changes and have added a lot of plants to no avail. May have to break it down and start from scratch...again...or it could be the rocks I've got in there - might take them out first, do another big water change and then see where we sit...

Lots of container cleaning to be done. Nobody is in isolation currently, which is a good thing, but I've not felt the need to clean up all the containers from the recent spawning processes, or the recent QT episodes - naughty of me.

My Grindals wont transfer to my soilless culture box either. Second batch has been transferred over this morning. Fingers crossed these ones are happy in there.

Daily water changes (currently only every second day) on fry tanks to commence as soon as I setup the second water storage container, which will also allow me to do weekly changes on the bigger tanks and barracks. Need to build a new base for it to sit on so I can get a bucket under the tap.

Lastly, the room needs a good clean and sorting. There is stuff everywhere and I'm forever having to step over things, or dig around to find things. This will include the placement of some handy hooks...everywhere!

But, I'm waiting of Xmas for the arrival of the new barracks (and a new small three bay holding cell for photos and introductions). Xmas will also bring all the heaters and filters, etc I need.

Now I'm going to take the rocks out of the third growout tank, I'll need to wait on things to settle to see if that makes a difference.

Cant go an make a new base until I've gone and spent all my money on Xmas, so that will have to wait till the first week of the new year when I'm flush again - which means all the water changes will have to wait as well.

And there's not much point in cleaning and sorting just yet till I move the new stuff in so I know exactly what space I've got left - which wont happen till after Xmas!

So I shall go clean containers and remove rocks, and do a water change...and then wait some more...

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