Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Looking Sharp

Not a lot going on in the fish room currently. We have got rid of all our Convicts. They were over-breeding, as Convicts do, and the tank was becoming too small. So much so, the alpha male had attacked and killed, and then eaten, one of the first spawn juveniles - it wasn't pretty.

So they have gone and the new female arrivals have settled in. Unfortunately one of those has been killed and partially eaten as well - must be something about that tank.

The snail and two baby bristlenoses seem to have disappeared in the main sorority. I haven't seen any of them for days. I hope the little guys are okay.

My yellow female CT took a bit of a pounding in the spawn tank last week and is now recovering from her nips. She's happy to have a small tank to herself.

The boys are all patiently waiting their next turn in the spawn tank, but that will be a week or so away while I setup another tank.

My fry are still going well. On day 26 since birth, I have found another one. We started off with 60+, had a sudden die-off to less than a dozen, and then I figured there was only five remaining...today I counted six - fingers crossed there are still one or two others hiding around the place.

I thought I'd try and get some pictures to update my spawn log on AusAqua. Here's the best of them:

Just waiting on ventrals, colour, and webbing reduction
and for him/her to grow into his/her eyes

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