Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Where Am I?

Some of you may have noticed my absence around the place, in the Betta Community Facebook pages and in the AusAqua Forum - it's not because I'm withdrawing from breeding my fish.

To be perfectly honest, I'm over the politics involved in the Australian Betta Community. I have friends in Betta Australis, Sydney Splendens Society, and in Victoria Betta. Unfortunately, it means I hear all sorts of things from all sides of the topics under dispute, from a wide range of people. It saddens me and frustrates me that people cant work together to come to an equitable solution for the benefit of the community as a whole. I am not pointing the finger at any one individual or group -  but I'll not get into expressing my opinions here. That's not what this post, or indeed this forum, is for.

So, to maintain my love of the fish, and not get trapped in arguments with people over topics that aren't life threatening, I've decided to simply withdraw from interaction in the scene, at least for the short term.

I am still breeding, and I'm still contactable if anyone wants to talk about the fish, but I don't want to know anymore about the clubs/chapters, or the parent organisations. I will continue to watch from afar how the scene develops.

When my current memberships of the different organisations run their course, I wont be renewing them - with anyone. This means I wont be able to show my fish - so be it...I was never in this to show fish or win ribbons or trophies - the idea that I can create the fish I want, fascinated me -> still does, so I will continue to breed. Eventually, I may even offer some up for sale, but for now, and probably for the next year or so, I'll be very quietly working away in my own fish room.

I will interact occasionally on the forum, the AusAqua FB page, and on the CTPK Project Australia page. I will answer any questions or requests made to my FB page.

I will update this blog on occasion when I have something to report from the fish room.

I wish everyone nothing but success with their fish.